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Tunai / Tunai Natural + 26 Varieties of Native Millets, Seeds and Mineral Foods for Birds (Tiny Birds - Canaries and Finches, 450g)
Tunai Natural + 26 Varieties of Native Millets, Seeds and Mineral Foods for Birds (Tiny Birds - Canaries and Finches, 450g)
Product details
WHAT ARE THE KEY HIGHLIGHTS? Tunai Natural Plus Bird Feed is a blend of 26 varieties of seeds, millets and vital nutrients are handpicked. Not only they are healthy they are the rich source of protein, carbohydrates and multi vitamin packed palatable treat for the birds. The diet is native to the birds which keeps them entertained and thus relieving stress for birds. Essential for wound healing, regulates fluid balance and inhibit the production of reactive oxygen (ROS) in the cells and tissues.
HOW DIFFERENT IS THIS FROM OTHER PRODUCTS? Inspired through the research studies of National Bird Feeding Society, USA – Tunai Natural + was created as an alternative feed for your birds who may like to taste and entertain themselves than the monotonous daily feed. This multi blend of seeds, millets, minerals and other add on elements provide rich source of protein, fat, multi vitamins which is something they search, scratch, sharpening their beak to innovate and eat the seeds.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? A) Boost the growth of feathers and help to develop beautiful plumage, B) Regulates digestion, body weight, fluid balance, blood pressure, and bowel health, C) Increases muscle mass, Fat burning mechanism and essential for wound healing, D) Natural stress reliever for birds which is something they do in the wild, E) Tunai Natural + helps your birds to remain anti acidic which keeps the bird’s key digestion processes in good shape.
HOW TO INTRODUCE TUNAI NATURAL PLUS TO YOUR CHOOSY, VERY PICKY BIRDS AND FED? If a food is new to a bird, it may not even recognize it as food. Offer new food in a familiar dish with other foods you know your bird already likes, and they may try the new food. Even if your bird only gets a taste of the new food by accident they still might decide they like it. Giving birds extra water for drinking and bathing is the best way to help them keep cool.
WHAT IS INSIDE? Yellow Millet, White Millet, Red Millet, Canary grass seed, Flaxseed, Oat groats, Niger Seed, White Sorghum, Red Sorghum, Corn Flour Course, wheat flour Course, Mung Beans, Kodo Millet Seeds, Foxtail Millet, Pearl Millet, Paddy, Cuttlefish Bone, Grit, Black Sesame Seed, Mustard seed, Barley, Proso Millet, Banyard Millet, Brown Top Millet, and BSFL