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  • Tunai Black Soldier Larvae | 500g | 60X Calcium, Fortified with 40% Protein Energy, Natural Supplement Treat for Poultry, Hen, Chicken, cockBaby Chicken
  • Tunai Black Soldier Larvae | 500g | 60X Calcium, Fortified with 40% Protein Energy, Natural Supplement Treat for Poultry, Hen, Chicken, cockBaby Chicken
  • Tunai Black Soldier Larvae | 500g | 60X Calcium, Fortified with 40% Protein Energy, Natural Supplement Treat for Poultry, Hen, Chicken, cockBaby Chicken
  • Tunai Black Soldier Larvae | 500g | 60X Calcium, Fortified with 40% Protein Energy, Natural Supplement Treat for Poultry, Hen, Chicken, cockBaby Chicken
  • Tunai Black Soldier Larvae | 500g | 60X Calcium, Fortified with 40% Protein Energy, Natural Supplement Treat for Poultry, Hen, Chicken, cockBaby Chicken
  • Tunai Black Soldier Larvae | 500g | 60X Calcium, Fortified with 40% Protein Energy, Natural Supplement Treat for Poultry, Hen, Chicken, cockBaby Chicken
  • Tunai Black Soldier Larvae | 500g | 60X Calcium, Fortified with 40% Protein Energy, Natural Supplement Treat for Poultry, Hen, Chicken, cockBaby Chicken

Tunai Black Soldier Larvae | 500g | 60X Calcium, Fortified with 40% Protein Energy, Natural Supplement Treat for Poultry, Hen, Chicken, cockBaby Chicken

Per piece

Product details
  • WHAT IS BLACK SOLDIER FLY LARVAE? Black Soldier Fly Larvae or BSFL are scavengers and thrive on many kinds of decomposing organic matter, including algae, carrion, compost heaps, manure, mold, plant refuse, and the waste products of beehives. These gluttonous little creatures are able to digest organic compound before the compounds have time to decompose, thereby immediately eliminating odour.
  • WHY BSFL HAS HIGH REGARDS AS A FOOD SOURCE? BSFL is ideally suited for food production for pets due to its high concentration of protein. The makes larvae make as an ideal source of food for a wide variety of animals. Non-pest larvae convert the manure's nutrients into 42% protein and 35% fat feedstuff. This conversion of waste into feedstuff is called bioconversion and, consequently, the larvae can be fed right back to the Fish, Birds, Poultry, Pet animals and livestock.
  • WHAT MAKES TUNAI BSFL, A SPECIAL? TUNAI BSFL is ethically sourced from a farmer who uses the BSF larvae to decompose his farm waste with ZERO CARBON FOOT PRINT. TUNAI BSFL is oven dried to perfection and it is sealed off with WAD SEAL to avoid moisture from entering. Black Soldier Larvae is the FULL SOURCE OF PROTEIN and you cannot find a better protein rich treat for your ornamental fish types.
  • BETTER THAN MEAL WORMS? Yes, Tunai Black Soldier Fly Larvae is better than meal worms as Black Soldier Fly Larvae grubs have a higher fat content and unique fatty acid profile which is essential for Fishes during the winter season. Tunai Black Soldier Fly Larvae grubs are more durable than mealworms and they have very high percentages of Calcium (more than 60X Calcium content) which is important for the bones.
  • WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Tunai Black Soldier Fly Larvae is dust free and offers 100% Natural Full source of protein and Calcium which boost natural growth and Color. Rich in Omega 6 and 9 provides energy, helps absorbing vitamins and promote natural health. Contains Lauric acid and this promotes fish growth, weigh gain and support health, also serves as an antibiotic replacement.

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