WHAT’S SPECIAL ABOUT TUNAI CANARY SEEDS? Tunai Canary Seeds are rich in protein compared to other cereal grains, it has very high in amino acids and is enriched with potassium and calcium. Poultry, small birds, and parrots are the main consumers of canary seeds due to their great nutritional value.
TUNAI CANARY SEEDS ARE SUITABLE FOR – Tunai Canary Seeds are usually consumed by the same species of bird that include millet in their regular diet. This includes Canaries, Finches, Budgies, Parakeets, Parrotlets, Conures, Eclectus, Senegals, Caique, Parrots, Cockatiels, Small Conures, Quaker Parrots.
SHOULD ONE, PRACTICE ONE SIDED DIET? No, Birds will survive on just plain canary seed for some time. But a one-sided diet will cause them to be more susceptible to diseases and less productive as breeders. Many veterinarians recommend a diet that consists 80% of canary pellets, and so we strongly recommend you to treat your birds with Tunai Medley Seeds and Millets.
ETHICALLY SOURCED DIRECTLY FROM FARMS, HOW DOES THIS ADD VALUE? All Birds Feeds of Tunai is ethically sourced directly from farms that strictly practice Multi Crop Culture and sustainable farming. The waste and by-products of Tunai Canary Seeds are recycled within the farms improving the activity of bio-diversity and reducing the use of pesticides.
TUNAI CANARY SEEDS, A PERFECT TREAT FOR YOUR BIRDS? YES, the appearance of canary seed is similar to flax. Mainly because of its brown color and shiny appearance attracts the attention of birds. Most birds love canary seeds. The first thing that attracts them is their shiny shape and appearance.