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Tunai / Tunai Freeze Dried Meal Worms |40g| Pefect Fish Food Treat for Medium and Large Size Aquarium Fish Like Arowana, Oscar, Red Parrot, Flower Horn, Can Be Also Fed to Turtle, Tortoize and Other Reptiles
Tunai Freeze Dried Meal Worms |40g| Pefect Fish Food Treat for Medium and Large Size Aquarium Fish Like Arowana, Oscar, Red Parrot, Flower Horn, Can Be Also Fed to Turtle, Tortoize and Other Reptiles
Product details
WHAT ARE MEALWORMS? Mealworms are actually in the larval stage of the mealworm beetle. The beetles lay their eggs, which hatch as little worms. After the pupal stage, they eventually turn into beetles. Mealworms are a very rich source of PROTEIN content up to 56%, and it is the most sustainable proper insect palatable feed for all omnivore pets like Fish, Birds, Turtles, and other Reptiles.
WHY ONE SHOULD CHOOSE TO FREEZE DRIED MEALWORM? Freeze-dried mealworms have a high nutritional value and are more convenient than feeding live mealworms to your pet. Insects can harbor parasites and disease, so if the mealworms are alive, they might pose a risk to certain fish. However, the freeze-drying process will kill parasites and bacteria. Therefore, freeze-dried mealworms are actually safer to feed to your fish than the live option.
CAN FISH FEED ON MEALWORMS? Yes, fish can definitely eat dried mealworms. Dried mealworms are not quite as tasty or nutritious as the live option, but fish will probably still appreciate the tasty and protein-rich snack. In fact, freeze-drying mealworm is a popular alternative to keeping them alive. Freeze-drying these nasty little bugs helps to extend their shelf life, but there is more to it than that.
KEY BENEFITS OF FEEDING MEALWORMS TO YOUR PETS? Feeding mealworms can promote the normal development of animals and improve the animal’s resistance to disease ability. Protein and Rich Fiber in Mealworms shall assist in building the living tissue of your pets. Variety is important regardless of what types of fish you keep.
CAN THIS BE FED TO SMALL FISH LIKE GOLDFISH? Yes, Goldfish & Other carp can eat mealworms. Small size fish might have problems eating large mealworms due to their size, but this should not be a problem. Goldfish seem to love mealworms, especially as an occasional treat. Medium and Large Size fishes find no trouble in eating this legendary meal snack. Mealworms can be served to Turtles, reptiles, and all types of birds only as an occasional treat.