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Tunai / Tunai HI-PRO Plan 55% Protein Optimum Choice Fish Food for Small Sized Goldfish, Angelfish, Molly, Tetra, Dwarf Gourami, Swordtails, Catfish, Firemouth, Rasbora, Small Parrotfish, Betta, 450g
Tunai HI-PRO Plan 55% Protein Optimum Choice Fish Food for Small Sized Goldfish, Angelfish, Molly, Tetra, Dwarf Gourami, Swordtails, Catfish, Firemouth, Rasbora, Small Parrotfish, Betta, 450g
Product details
WHY TUNAI HI PRO PLAN SHOULD BE YOUR OPTIMUM CHOICE? TUNAI HI PRO PLAN supports 55% protein which is OPTIMUM food choice for your large fish companions. In the wild, all fish species are required to meet the daily protein requirement between 45% and 70%. TUNAI HI PRO PLAN helps your fishes to find insulation and abundant energy through HIGH NATURAL FAT and CARBOHYDRATES contents.
DOES THIS MUDDY THE WATER? No, TUNAI HI PRO PLAN is formulated CLEAN, CLEAR FORMULA with PROBIOTICS and this improves DIGESTIONAL and METABOILSM activities of your fish. This is widely used in aqua culture to guide the fish’s digestion system to break down the feed easily and avoid excretion problems. AVOID OVER FEEDING and REMOVE THE LEFT OVERS.
DOES THIS CONTAIN COLOURED PELLETS AND WHAT IS THE SIZE OF EACH PELLET? No, TUNAI HI PRO PLAN does not contain any colors. We retained the natural pellet color. 4MM, the size of the pellet can be equivalent to the small size of a Mustard.
WHAT ARE THE FISHES CAN BE FED ? Goldfish, Angelfish, Molly, Tetra, Dwarf Gourami, Swordtails, Catfish, Firemouth, Rasbora, Small Parrotfish, Betta, Small Koi, Redtail Sharks, Loaches, Zebra Danios, Plecostomus
WHAT ARE THE OTHER PACKING AND PELLETs OPTIONS AVAILABLE? TUNAI HI PRO 1MM is packed in three different packing size a) 100g – 1MM, 250g – 1MM & 450g – 1MM. Other variants of pellets size are as follows b) 450g – 2MM, & 1.5 KG – 2MM, and c) 450g – 4MM, & 1.5 KG – 4MM.